Pubg update

shanhok map pubg

Pubg update

Season 3 comes with new royale pass features like new weapon skins, new dress ups, and some new gestures in new Pubg update. After the new update the current version is 0.7.5 in this version Tencent games merged the ranking system FPP (First person perspective) and TPP (Third person perspective) so with this players can level up simultaneously. After new season new update 0.8 is expected to come but in the place of new update they gave a patch and 0.8 beta patch.

Sanhok Map

 In 0.8 update new map Sanhok is promised to add. This map is little than Erangel map but comes with new places. Which will give new experience to gamers. In this map Blue zone is slower than rest of maps. New weapons and vehicles will be added to map. However date is not confirm for next update. But new update is near to come.

What is new (According to 0.8 beta update)

  New pick-up system- With this feature you can set the limits of equipment’s. You can set up the limits of ammo, bullets.

 Flare gun is added. You can use this gun for air drops for loot. You can use this gun inside circle to fire up in the sky for special air drop

 Plane rout added in the waiting lobby.You can check the plane route in lobby with an arrow.

Apple Grenade is added. You can only use this in lobby waiting time. You can enjoy the waiting time with apple fight.

M24 snipers is removed from air drops and you can find it now on ground.

Qbz Assault rifle gun added – It fires 5.56 ammo and available only in shanhok map.It is very powerful gun.

  Scar-L is removed from the map in new pubg update

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